Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Overwhelmed but on track - Day 2

"This past has flown away. The coming months and year do not exist.  Ours only is the present's tiny point." Mahmud Shabistari 

As a child I drove everyone crazy asking "What if...?"  To begin with my "what ifs" were a product of an imagination that couldn't stop figuring out the world around.  Not necessarily a bad trait more of a creative process that provided me with the skills to solve problems outside the box.  Both because my parents encouraged problem solving and creative thinking and because of the practice my early "What ifs" provided a strong critical thinking and creative thinking pattern that has served me well. 

But, somewhere along the way my "What ifs" became dangerous. As my life became more complicated, I tried to use the process to anticipate what other people would do and how problems could be resolved.  The problem is that these problems were beyond my control and having no control, the "What ifs" were nothing more than worry.

I've learned that when I allow myself to worry I open Pandora's box of self criticism, doubting voices of the past, and scary pictures of a future that more than likely will never occur.  The mental static that occurs from this is not productive.  To break this cycle it is important to focus on this moment.  This process will rescue me from the "what ifs" and "should haves" that can drowned my soul.  A drowned soul cannot follow God's will much less have a happy life full of the joys each day brings.

In the days that come I pledge to use my "What ifs" to solve problems of which I have control and not use them in toward guessing what others may or may not do to effect the outcome.  This way I am taking responsibility but not worrying.

From Grandpa "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ?"  Matthew 6:27

Diet is going well.  Breakfast Oatmeal, Lunch Scalloped Potatoes and Red Chili, and Dinner Pasta with Broccoli, Corn, and tomato sauce, green salad. 

Exercise - OK that didn't happen but tomorrow is another day.

Finances - Redid our insurance to save money on premium.

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