Sunday, January 15, 2012

Maintaining Faith

“In addition to this, take up the shield of faith by which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Ephesians 6:16a)
So it has been true, as it has been throughout my life that the more I take up the word from the Holy Bible, the closer I become to my Lord, the more I communicate with the Holy Spirit and listen to him – the more the evil one, or enemies attack. This has never been more evident than this last year and a half. I have heard more lies, seen more people follow other people in blind faith, and see public officials – people I used to believe had the common man’s best interest at heart working their own agenda.

“Ok, Pollyanna you say…this is nothing new, things have never been fair, the good don’t always win and there are no fairy tale endings.” I’ve heard others my whole life sit around and talk about the injustice in the world. I have often participated. You know, we discuss how our taxes unfairly pay for food stamps and provide cash to those that refuse to work. Or other injustices that the general masses understand but really never feel in their own lives. So yes, I knew things were not fair, we have dealt with sickness, financial problems, kids going wayward, but this last year we’ve been overcome with evil, lying people who know no boundary’s but to get what they want and unfortunately the courts have not listened, or understood the complex lies. The problem I’ve faced is not the injustice, but the testing on my faith in Jesus Christ to wrap his loving arms around us and protect our family through it all. This isn’t really new… but I always believed that when you went to court and the liars were called out, their lies proved, someone would give a hoot and do something about it. For this I thought there would be a consequence. I have prayed on my knees for the truth to be known. There have been small victories where I’ve been able to see God’s hand in our lives. I know that his hand will continue to protect us, and as I find my faith each day, I am growing stronger in Christ and in my relationship with the Holy Spirit.
In the last year and a half as I’ve grown closer to God, talked with him every day, prayed for guidance and faced the hardest parts of my life, the evil has attacked without stopping. I read that Jesus referred to some people as snakes. Now I know what he meant. And believe me, snakes live among us today just as they did in the Old and New Testament.

Today I read from Isaiah 59 the story of the people who thought God no longer heard their prayers; they believed they had been forgotten. But they were told, “Your talk is filled with lies and plans for violence; every finger on your hand is covered with blood. You falsely accuse others and tell lies in court; sin and trouble are the names of your children. You eat the deadly eggs of poisonous snakes, and more snakes crawl out from the eggs left to hatch.” Isaiah 59:3-5

Then, in Isaiah 59:9-15 the people confessed their sins. This prompted the Lord to rescue his people… “When the Lord noticed that justice had disappeared he became very displeased. It disgusted him even more to learn that no one would do a thing about it. So with his own powerful arm he won victories for truth. Justice was the Lord’s armor; saving power was his helmet; anger and revenge were his clothes.
This was only one time that our Lord, mighty and strong, dependable and loving protected his people. Sometimes we can’t feel him, but when we confess our sins, listen to his word and stay aligned with his desire for our lives, he will always be there with armor and helmet to protect us from evil.

Tonight I’m going to hit my knees and ask, plead, and beg for God to forgive me for my sins, because I have thought of ways to protect myself from the evil in my life in ways that could have hurt others, I’m going to listen carefully as he speaks to me, and ask for wisdom for the judges, and other officials who have been transfixed by the evilness of others so that God’s will is done and I will hope and pray that I can be used to do his work and become a light to those who need to see a child of God calm and trusting under pressure.

Originally published by Brenda Allred in blog titled "Grangoose"  November 2011

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