Monday, January 9, 2012

Completed Day 1

Goals... Debt Free in 3 years, Loose 35 pounds in 2012, Increase my strength and improve exercise, improve health, Iimprove my relationship with God. Day one

So my Chiropractor recommended this book, 21 Day Weight Loss Kickstart:  Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically Improve Your Health by Neal Barnard.  I really like this doctor and his advice has always been good, so I figured why not.  I got the book a week ago and read it. 

The theory seems to be that if you increase fiber, in the form of veggies, fruits, whole grains and get your protein from beans and other ligaments...eliminate fat, white flour, empty calories, and limit sugar you'll loose weight and increase your overall health. 

When we were children my mother took great care to feed us healthy.  She always used whole grains, lots of veggies and fruit, whole grain noodles, beans, rice and limited meat.  We rarely at sugar and never had sodas, drinking water, milk and tea instead.  My parents always had a huge garden full of all kinds of fresh veggies that we'd eat fresh late summer and early fall, and freeze for use in the winter.  Probably more for economic reasons, we ate little meat and what meat we did eat was spread among 7 plus people in a casserole.  We ate lots of sandwiches made from good whole wheat, rye, and nutty breads, limited fats and never ate things fried.  We were all thin, healthy and never hungry.

I can do this!
So today I started off well.  Oatmeal for breakfast, Veggie Burger for Lunch, and rice and veggie/bean/rice casserole for dinner.  Lots of water throughout the day.  What could I have done better?  Ate fruit for snacks in the morning, and had veggies and whole wheat crackers for an afternoon snack.  They put ranch dressing on the Veggie Burger at lunch, I must remember to ask for something different next time.  What did I learn?  The red chili paste and fresh garlic made tonight's casserole much better, next time use more of the chili paste.

Overall, I can do better, but this is a good start.

During lunch I walked to the restaurant about 15 minutes there and 15 minutes back.  So while I didn't go to the gym, I did walk.

Toward my financial goal, I cut my house cleaner back to once every two weeks, and will probably cancel her services... but oh how hard this will be.  She is awesome.  I spent cash for lunch and cut up all my credit cards tonight. 

Toward my spiritual goals, I studied in the One Minute Promises, day one.

God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.  Ephesians 2:4-5

This study was a great reminder for me that God loved me when I was at my worst and there is nothing I can do that will diminish His love for me now.  His love is not based on my performance. I don't have to be perfect. Yes he grieves when I sin, but I can still count on His love for me which is constant -- No matter what. 

Thoughts for today...
I must remember that it is my responsibility to solve my own problems with the help of God.  Since God often speaks through other people, I should surround myself with wise people, I should listen to them when they try to talk to me, and even reach out and ask for help but only if I am willing to accept help when I need it. 

"We cannot climb up a rope that is attached only to our own belt."  William Ernest Hocking

Kathryn making snow angels at White Sands... The reason to stay on track. 

I got several emails today from people who are Vegan, surprising how many I know and didn't realize that I knew.  They provided me with links.  The one I've had time to read and liked it  Here is a promising recipe from that website. 



Combine chickpeas and salsa in a medium sauce pan. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until all of the liquid has absorbed and the chickpeas have taken on the salsa’s color, about 8 minutes. For best results, refrigerate over night. Spoon chickpeas into lettuce leaves and top with chopped bell pepper pieces. Serve chickpeas at any temperature. (Makes about 8 wraps)

Never had Chickpeas, but I'm going to try them out.  I'll let you know how it goes. 


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