Sunday, January 8, 2012

Learning to live a better way

I am 54 years old, and I've had the most wonderful life.  My family is awesome and while they've given me quite a hard time as teen aged boys, they have grown into men that I am so proud of.  I have two grandaughters, Kat and Hayley and they are the joy of my life.  My husband of 34 years has been my best friend and most important person in my life since I was 17.  I know that everything I am is because I have such an awesome God, who has been by my side since I was a child.  He walks with me everyday and helps me to make the right decisions and be the best person I can be on a regular basis. 

One think I have avoided is taking care of my health.  I need to loose about 60 pounds and firm everything up to be healthy.  I have not had the motivation to do anything about this until now.  So while I'm thinking about it and have the energy, I'm going to commit.

Step 1
Get my finances in order.  For this I've talked with my husband and we've written a plan to become debt free in 4 years.  That's when he wants to retire. My committment, to eat at home 5 days a week (this means I cook), cancel my housekeeper, and stay on budget and combine my money with Donny.  That last part will be the hardest for me.  I've always had my own money.  But I can do this. 

Step 2
Loose 35 pounds in 2012.  This is agressive since I love food and have a very busy life, eating on the run from fast food restaurants too often.  But I have a plan and I'm going to try.  21 day kick start diet that is a vegan plan. 

Step 3
Increase my strength and improve exercise, improve health.  I am active, but not in a healthy way.  This year I'm going to start walking, doing some hiking in and around Las Cruces where I live and going to the doctor and following their suggestions.  1.) lower my fat and increase fiber  2.) take medicine as perscribed  3.) Walk three times a week for at least 45 minutes

Step 4
Improve my relationship with God and make sure I'm living the life God has planned for me.  I will start this process by a bible study.  I've joined a church and I commit to attending their classes and activities to ensure I'm on track.  I hope to find someone that can hold me accountable during the 1st half of the year.

What will be in this blog?  Recipies (Vegan), lessons I study on my way toward a better relationship with God, finacial best practices and a journal of my journey toward better health.  I'll also post my fun...  Hiking, cooking, family and discuss the changes as I make them. 

Here's to 2012.  My year of change, feel free to join me if you'd like. 

Last week in addition to going to the gym three times for long walks on a treadmill, my family and I hiked around Las Cruces.  Then on Saturday we went to White Sands for some exercise.  Tyler took Kat on the sled (actually a snow board with one of the foot brackets removed) and a picture of a tree on a walk earlier in the week east of Las Cruces.  I also went to the doctor for a complete blood work up and check up, and a chiropractor to have an adjustment since one leg is longer than the other and I need to get that fixed to enjoy walking this year.  Both appointments I had put off for over a year. 



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